Friday, August 5, 2016

Instalatii Electrice se monteaza cu specialisti

Industria constructiilor de cladiri este in floare in ziua de azi, zilnic ridicandu-se noi locuinte, dar si centre comerciale sau cladiri de birouri, iar cum tehnologia se afla intr-o continua dezvoltare, instalatiile electrice reprezinta una dintre etapele esentiale. Fiecare persoana este dependenta de electricitate, iar in cazul celor care locuiesc in case sau blocuri mai vechi, uzura instalatiei electrice isi poate face simtita prezenta.

Pro Constructo ofera cele mai bune servicii in acest domeniu, propunand solutii grozave atat pentru reconstructii, cat si proiecte noi pentru cei care au nevoie. Toate dispozitivele electrice noi impun alte nevoi, iar instalatiile vechi de multe ori ajung sa nu mai faca fata, motiv pentru care acestea trebuie schimbate. Costurile pentru schimbarea si dezactivarea instalatiei electrice vechi variaza de la un caz la altul, insa intotdeauna se va alege varianta cea mai avantajoasa, dar si cea mai eficienta, fara riscuri.

Proiectul adecvat

In asemenea cazuri trebuie sa se alcatuiasca un proiect care sa respecte toate normele impuse de lege si astfel se evita si numeroase riscuri la care beneficiarii se pot expune. Astfel, clientii trebuie sa alcatuiasca o lista cu toate aparatele electrice pe care le folosesc si sa mentioneze si eventualele dispozitive care urmeaza a fi achizitionate in viitor, pentru ca reteaua electrica sa fie stabila.
Atunci cand se schimba instalatia electrica, specialistii nu impun necesitatea schitei vechi, intrucat se creeaza un nou traseu, renuntandu-se la cele existente deja.


Pro Constructo asigura consultanta pentru toti cei care nu au cunostinte in domeniu, astfel incat acestia sa inteleaga mai bine fiecare etapa si sa poata invata cum sa foloseasca in mod corespunzator fiecare dispozitiv prezent in locuinta. Pe aceasta cale se vor putea face si economii importante la electricitate, dar se vor evita si riscuri precum incendii cauzate de scurt circuite sau explozii.

Monday, August 1, 2016

How I travelled from the Otopeni airport to Bucharest

A couple of months ago I had a very strange issue on the Bucharest Airport - in fact it is called Otopeni airport and it is located in Romania, an Eastern European country - which is really interesting if you think that the airport is like in Munchen, a bit outside of the city.

Now... this seemed for me the most crowded airport that I have ever found, where I have ever traveled - and the main issue was in the fact that there are too many flights that are going in and out Bucharest for the size of the airport.

Event the cars outside, the taxi drivers were unable  to server all the necessary people that were in the Airport and I needed a transfer from Otopeni to Bucharest - but here the things started to become funny, as I was searching over the internet for a company that was able to provide this kind of service.

Now... after a couple of phone calls to local companies, I have managed to i\hire a black cab, a great Mercedes car that was coming along with a driver for a very reasonable proce for my expected budget - it seems that this kind of services are really affordable in the eastern europe.

So, when I saw that car rented from Rentcarwith driver (the name of the loical company) and when I also saw the driver I was really impressed - impressed with everything, the car, the driver, the quality of services - everything was perfect and was building for me a great ecxperience in Bucharest, the Paris of the Eastern Europe.

How to create the best virtual tours for real estate?

I am working in a real estate company and I was basically doing that in the last couple of years - and if I am thinking more carefully I think that there are about 4-5 years of doing the same thing over and over again - I really don't know how I have managed to do that.

Now - to make you understand better tha nature of my job, I have to tell you that what I am doing is advertising, or what is basically the engine of driving clients towards our real estate agency with our properties. Now... don't judge me as being a person that thinks his job is the most important, because it is really not, but it is important to promote (online) those days all the necessary propreties in order to have clients.

Well... and we were doing this in a very conventional or classical way, until something very interesting happened - the IT guy discoverer Tour Wizard, which is to simply put it the best piece of software that was ever designed and developed for this industry, as it is able to do a very good impression and can drive excellent results in the marketing field.

Basically, what this software is doing is to create a very nice presentation of a certain property, as the buyer ould really be there, and see all the rooms, all the walls as they really are - which is really great as a virtual tour for real estate will certainly increase the rate of conversions per visit, which means that the field agents will have to work a lot less for each sale.

So...t his is another great example of how software can influence an established kind of business